Boundary Oak School not only offers an outstanding academic curriculum with a wealth of co-curricular opportunities but also prepares their pupils for life. A truly enriching education is about much more than academic achievement alone; it is also about developing a passion for learning, capacity for independent thinking, moral values, self-confidence and a broad range of interests that extend beyond a classroom.
Their pupils thrive within their nurturing family atmosphere while a stimulating and exciting environment allow their pupils to grow personally while also developing a love of learning.
As a boarding school they also provide a home from home for many children and that family is enthusiastically extended around the rest of the school. Additional investment in facilities and staff, including a newly refurbished boarding house and new senior school classroom buildings, means that the school is positively buzzing. Boundary Oak could not be a more vibrant and exciting school.
Early Years Information For 2-5 years
At this early stage learning is based on wide-ranging experience, much of it through play and exploration, focusing on the following areas:
Pre-Prep (5-8 yrs)
Pre-Prep covers all children in Years 1, 2 and 3, typically ages 5 to 8. As the children transition into Pre-Preparatory school they will broadly follow the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1 with the addition of PE, Art, French, and Music taught by specialist teachers. There are daily lessons of English and Mathematics, the content of which takes into account the latest Primary Curriculum.
Prep for 8-11
Children enter their Junior Prep School in Year 4 where they will continue to benefit from the stability of a class teacher who teaches pupils for Maths, English, Science, History, Geography and Religious Studies as they settle in to the main school while also experiencing specialist teachers for French, Computer Science, Design Technology, Music, Outdoor Learning, Drama, Sport and Art. This is also the case in Year 5.
As pupils reach Year 6, and in preparation for heading into their Senior years, pupils still benefit from the regular contact of a form tutor while teaching is by subject specialists in all subjects. These include Art & Design Technology, Drama, English, Geography, History, Digital Learning, Maths, French, Music, PE, PSHE, Science, and Spanish.
Senior School 11-16 Years
The broad and exciting curriculum on offer in their Junior Prep continues into their Senior School which begins in Year 7.
Their teaching staff represents some of the best in their field and as such they strive to ensure that each child reaches their academic potential successfully, while also enjoying their senior school experience.”
Pupils will be introduced to almost all of their GCSE subjects from Year 9 when they make their GCSE choices
Most pupils will take between eight and ten subjects at GCSE
Tuition and Fees
What’s included in their fees Academic fees include:
Boarding fees include:
Termly Academic Fees
Termly EAL Tuition Fees
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