Irkutsk national research technical University is a higher educational institution in Irkutsk. It was founded in 1930. In 2010, IRNITU won the second competitive selection of University development programs, for which the category "national research University" is established.
Bachelor/Master's Degree (In Russian):
Bachelor's Degree (In English):
Master's Degree (In English):
Study on a budget basis:
For admission to study on a budget basis, you are required to pass the entrance exams!
The exams will be held in 3 subjects, depending on the chosen faculty. The exams will be held in Tashkent, at the head office of WorldUz!
Admission process:
The university has its own dormitory. Living cost: from $10 to $30 per month. – official representative of many higher education institutions abroad. We use the proven technologies of searching for academic programs and successful admission strategies, so our customers do not waste time searching for information and taking extra steps. While we are engaged in your admission, you can continue mastering a foreign language or preparing for exams.