Free language courses in Malaysia:

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Lifestyle in Malaysia:

- Malaysia is a country located in Southeast Asia, consisting of 13 states and 4 federal territories. Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, is located in the tropical zone, so the temperature is 20-25 degrees, the nature is very beautiful, and there are two seasons of rain and dry weather. Religious tolerance, interethnic harmony and mutual respect among the people are embodied in the state. Islam is the main religion of Malaysia, the official language of the country is Malay, but 90% of the population speaks English. Its economy is quite developed, it is the leader in the world in terms of production and export. Malaysia is a leader in Islamic banking and finance. The quality of education in the country is also highly developed, and the quality of higher education classes is in the world rankings. There are 20 public universities, 47 private universities, and 34 university colleges in Malaysia.


Language courses in Malaysia:

- Malaysia has a good focus on education, so education in universities is good. Is it possible to go to Malaysia without knowing English? Yes, there are special English courses in Malaysia, you can study 1 year of English for free 100% before entering Bachelor or Master. English classes are taught by experts, you will receive a certificate after learning the language and, depending on your level, you will apply for a bachelor's or master's degree. After 11 years of education, you will pass and the language course will be 1 year and 1 year Foundation study. There are also paid language courses - if you pay for a 1-year language course, the university will give you the Foundation or Master's degree for free, depending on your preference. Indians, Chinese, and Malays live in Malaysia, don't miss the opportunity to study in a multi-ethnic country and make international friends.


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